Invocation by Rev. Wheigar J. Bright
Councilwoman Burroughs-White for Mayor K. Holliday of the City of GreensBoro, NC
North Carolina State Representative Earl Jones (Democrat-Guilford County)
University Rep, Shefoud Lewis, Welcoming Remarks
Introduction and Overview of Symposium - by Nat Galarea Gbessagee
Introduction of Keynote Speaker - Mr. Sam Togba Slewion, Secretariat Member
Keynote Address - Mr. Joseph M.N. Gbadyu, Former Supertendent (County Executive) of Grand Bassa County, Republic of Liberia
Musical Selection: Ms. Twaleh Geply, Liberian Gospel Recording Artist
Brief Overrview of Goals of LIHEDE & Recognition of Symposium Participants - Dr. Syrulwa Somah, Executive Director, LIHEDE
Mr. Jeffrey Widmann speaks on behave of Dr. Delvin Walker - Enviromental Risks of Mosquitoes Prevalence in Liberia
Sam Gbutue Vorkpor, MD, MSPH - Epidemiological Evidence and Policy Implications of HIV/AIDS and Malaria Interactions in Adults
Dr, Carolyn Meyers, Provost and Vice Chancellor, NC A&T State University
Ms. Nicole Williams - Malaria Control Is Now an Affordable Reality
Mr. Cyril Boynes Jr. - East African Experience in Malaria Prevention and Control
Dr. Michael Berry - Combating Malaria In Africa: The Third Way
Mr. Eric Ireland - Prevention and Control in Endemic Areas
Question and Answer Panel - Ms. Nicole Williams, Mr. Cyril Boynes, Dr. Michael Berry and Mr. Eric Ireland