2006 Easter Message
Syrulwa Somah, PhD
Brothers and sisters, as we commemorate the Holy Week and Easter, the affliction of the Messiah at the powers of authorities more than thousand years ago is vivid in our nation. The number of innocent God children (both Christians and Moslems) who continue to fallen victim to the scourge of malaria every 30 seconds on the Black Continent is increasing.
While some of you are blessed to enter in the House of God, the Messiah is again walking the “Via Dolorosa” in Liberia this afternoon. He is the 21, 5000 powerless Liberians afflicted with malaria, the 1,500 women dead and covered in the pool of blood from placenta malaria (miscarriages) who will be buried on the spot because they cannot get through to the hospital for operation or treatment, the hundreds of Liberians who are “crazy” due to cerebral malaria, the poor of the poorest who cannot afford treatments, the “too weak” to walk farmers who cannot cultivate their farmlands; the list is tragically getting longer, and the Messiah is weeping in midst of all asking you to join the “We Want No More Malaria in Liberia” campaign to help support the scheduled malaria conference in order to give God’s children, your brethren more time, a healthy time, to worship Him.
Brethren, in this Season of Lent (March 1, 2006 to April 15, 2006), you can help to affirm the power of resurrection by soul-searching and lending your voice and support to defeat malaria in Liberia. Keep in mind that the Messiah is still on the cross with 21,500 crucified Liberians in his environ. It only takes people of distilled wisdom and spiritual consciousness to reason that there are hundreds of thousands of crosses erected by malaria throughout our nation for Liberian teachers, women, farmers, politicians, athletics, men, women, and children being crucified by the curable disease--malaria. As you go on your knees to be in union with your God, remember that Liberia has become one huge Golgotha due to malaria. The malaria crucifixion routine is operating as you pray. Our nation has become the place of the skull for allowing malaria to have its way.
I hope your prayer and willingness to join the good fight to free God’s children from infectious malaria will hasten the coming of the day, and we pray soon, when malaria-freed Liberia will be like the New Jerusalem, where health will replace grief, sorrow, and pain; cooperation will remove divergence; nationalism will triumph over dis-unification, and reconciliation will supplant suffocation of national developmental initiatives. I hope your prayer and willingness to over thrown malaria will give new meaning to the resurrection to bring with it the promise of a new life and liberation for all the malaria afflicted people of our land.
I count on your prayers and solidarity. Let keep those who malaria has sent to the early graves and those who will so follow in our prayers until our action negate this curable calamity.
Your friend and brother,
Dr. Syrulwa Somah-LIHEDE Executive Director